Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

#YouKnowItsRealWhen she does this

She yells because she cares
She cries because she’s frustrated
She smiles out of no where because she’s thinking of you, even if you’re already there
She scrunches her face because she’s about to explode
She hits you because she wants to touch you
She stares at you because she’s infatuated
She calls every half hour because she misses you
She lectures you because she’s boss, not mom
She kisses you because she just want to
She asks you questions because she’s curious, not to be annoying
She wants to know where you are to be with you
She calls just to hear your voice
She walks beside you to hold your hand
She sits close to you to lean on your shoulder
She stands in front of you because she wants a hug

Truth is, That girl loves you

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