It is interesting to observe that irrational thinking will find its way to justify, in some or the other way, that smoking has several pros; however, when observed deeply, it is all despair, ill health and the worst, gradual death. In any literature written about smoking, the cons have always outnumbered the pros, both quantitatively and qualitatively. After all, puffing nicotine and inhaling is in no way beneficial.
Nevertheless, some not so great but yet logical pros of smoking, mostly propagated by people who find it difficult to quit this nasty habit have been pointed further. The intent of this Buzzle article, pros and cons of smoking, however, is not to highlight pros that are barely few in numbers. This article serves as a reminder of the disastrous consequences smoking cigarettes or other similar nicotine containing substances may have on the life and longevity of an individual.
Pros of Smoking, Are There Any?
In the western world, smoking evolved as a status and class symbol, that was a favorite past time of the wealthy people. Many youngsters start smoking due to negative peer pressure and also because it is something that has become a common trend to feel smarter and better. Being an extremely negative and expensive habit, smoking still has some pros and they are as follows.
· Many people believe it is a great ice breaker in bars, clubs and you can ask for a lighter to strike up a conversation. Well, not so healthy conversation starter, I feel.
· The feeling of "kick", or some momentary gratification, if said in the terms of smokers is something that makes chain smokers want more cigarettes. Certainly, this is due to the addictive chemicals in cigarettes that make the brain habitual to such chemicals that once the habit is formed it takes herculean efforts to quit it. But for smokers, this is perceived as one of the merits of smoking and that's why they smoke.
· The company of smokers, striking a conversation and enjoying some moments of ecstasy is given as a major reason by many teenagers for smoking.
· Many smokers also love watching the smoke swirl in the air, burning the cigarettes and the entire ritual. It is all the psychological impact on the personality that makes smoking such an addictive habit.
Well, the above pros were actually not pros but just some reasons as to why smokers fall for smoking. Now let us know about various cons of smoking that will give us ample reasons as to why ban on cigarette smoking seems a logical step.
Possible Cons of Smoking, the Aftermath of Smoking
If habitual and chain smokers can separate their minds and heart for a moment, take a step back and relax their minds, they will be able to observe considerable number of reasons that will motivate them to quit smoking. In the quest to say no to smoking, an individual has to fight the demon of addiction. To win the war against the unhealthy habit of smoking, one needs to be constantly aware of several points that are highly negative or bad with respect to smoking. Only such an analytical approach can strengthen the resolve of a person to stop smoking. Here are some self evident, universal and quite obvious cons of smoking.
Possible Cons of Smoking, the Aftermath of Smoking
If habitual and chain smokers can separate their minds and heart for a moment, take a step back and relax their minds, they will be able to observe considerable number of reasons that will motivate them to quit smoking. In the quest to say no to smoking, an individual has to fight the demon of addiction. To win the war against the unhealthy habit of smoking, one needs to be constantly aware of several points that are highly negative or bad with respect to smoking. Only such an analytical approach can strengthen the resolve of a person to stop smoking. Here are some self evident, universal and quite obvious cons of smoking.
· The smell that settles on everything surrounding the smoke. The clothing, car, house, furniture and anything that comes in contact with it. I can bet that none of us likes the after smell of smoking. It is quite repulsive.
· It is a well known fact that smoking reduces breathing power drastically. It reduces the capacity of lungs to inhale healthy doses of air. It kills gradually.
· Cough and smoking go side by side. Those who're chain smokers know about it and live with it day and night, consistently.
· Issues related to heart burn, phlegm, throat clearing and coughing while speaking louder are faced by smokers.
· Discomfort in heart while drinking coffee or eating food.
· Lack of energy even after being involved in mild activities.
· Headaches that occur frequently and persist for some time.
· Excessive sweating and racing heartbeat, even after working for less hours.
· Problems climbing heights and carrying out adventurous activities.
· Loss of taste and smell partly or completely. Smoking reduces appetite and hence weakens the body.
· Energy and motivation in daily works seem to lessen.
· The yellowish tone in eyes, on fingers, nails and teeth that makes an individual appear sick.
· The risk of bronchitis, lung cancer and other related health concerns.
· Dry lips and blackheads are often triggered by excessive smoking.
· Loss of skin glow and unhealthy feeling on the skin surface.
· Feeling thirsty all the time.
Some Other Risks of Smoking
· The sum of money spend on smoking by an individual in USA is amazingly high. Put in 401(K) plans or invested elsewhere, it can increase to become quite a significant sum of money.
· Cigarette smoking induces fire injuries that have contributed to huge loss of men, money and materials. Every year, nearly 1000 smokers and non-smokers fall prey to home fires caused by smoking cigarettes, as per the reports of US Fire Administration.
· Cigarette smoking while driving can lead to fatal accidents.
· Cigarette ash spoils car seats and there is ash and dust everywhere.
· Psychological habit of dependence on an external substance makes an individual feel inadequate and uneasy if he is not getting the desired thing.
· Lack of relaxed mind as it always is in the need of something. Constant uneasiness is due to dissatisfaction of the body, as it wants more of the addictive chemicals in tobacco.
· Dizziness and drowsiness after heavy smoking.
· Problems in sleeping if an individual skips smoking even for a day. The pain of experiencing smoking withdrawal symptoms breaks the resolve of smokers to quit this habit.
· Smoking due to other emotional disturbances like failure further deepens this habit.
If we analyze the pros and cons of smoking, one thing is quite clear that smoking is harmful. It is just like a slow poison inhaled in small quantities every day. In the long run, smoking kills and every year millions of people die due to tobacco consumption. It is in our own hands to take responsibility of our lives and choose our habits wisely. Quitting smoking is not an overnight effort. One has to be determined, take counseling and rehabilitation help. Bond with family members more closely, so that the lonely fight against this habit is won at the earliest.
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